Legacy Lounge

A Basic Introduction For Stock Investment For The Future

Not sure how to invest or where to even begin in this constant changing world of inflation, Join Jay Carter as he walks us through the world of investing.

Tracing Roots with Dr. Shelley Murphy

You don't want to miss this amazing opportunity. She will be discussing her genealogical work and how it pertains to better understanding who we are.

Curly Care – Natural Hair Training

Sharing different natural styles parents can do on their kids as well as styles teens and college students can do for themselves. スタイリスト、理髪師、親のグループを集めて、親が子供にできるさまざまな自然なスタイルや、10代の若者や大学生が自分のためにできるスタイルを共有します。

Hidden Figures of History Black Trivia Night

Join us for a Fun Night of celebration for Black History