LFJ Food Bank

Event Description The Legacy Foundation Japan, in collaboration with Second Harvest and YOUMEWE, will open our food COOP in March 2022. The Coop will support children aged out of orphanages, […]

Curly Hair Care in Japan

Are you living in Japan? Has it been hard to care for your naturally curly hair? What products should you use? Where are the salons?

Join us as our curly hair experts Saya from Precious Strands, and Natsumi Yajima from SummeryJapan answer your questions!



Easter Egghunt

Happy Easter! After that long, cold winter, come kick it with us at our amazing, annual Easter Egg Hunt. This is a free, family event for all ages!  

Bring your kids to Shiba Koen for an afternoon of Easter fun!


Career Advice with Mr Ronald Reeves

Calling all Legacy Members! Looking to boost your career and take things to the next level? AIG’s Chief Diversity Officer, Mr Ronald Reeves, will be giving some valuable career advice to LFJ members on how to stand out in your organization. Come join us for breakfast on April 19th to learn about how to build your career from an esteemed expert in the field.



Jaspora in collaboration with the Legacy Foundation, is honoured to present: Umoja. An evening soirée with the aim of bridging communities and providing a platform for networking and bonding.


Appropriate vs Appreciation

みなさんは「文化の盗用 (Cultural Appropriation)」という言葉を聞いたことはありますか?
文化の盗用 とは、「ある文化圏の文化的要素を、他の文化圏の者が流用すること」を指します。(文章だけで説明するのは難しいため、本イベントでは易しく詳しく説明します!)日本でも、音楽、ファッション、ヘアスタイルなどを中心に、文化の盗用がよく見受けられます。


Picnic in the Park

Why let Kanto folks have all the fun? Meet and hang with us at Osaka Castle Park Saturday, May 28th.


Entrepreneur’s Night

Whether you’re thinking of starting a new venture or building your already established business, this free, virtual event is just for you!


Juneteenth Gala

Event Description Legacy Foundation Japan will be hosting its first-ever African American Gala that highlights and celebrates the culture, fashion, art, and history of Black people. This fundraising event will […]

Calligraphy and Wine

We may have all joined a Sip and Paint but this time it’s all about Calligraphy and Wine. Join Momo Sensei from shosaishuji and she takes on a beautiful lesson in the Art of Calligraphy.



創立記念日を家族でバーベキューでお祝いしませんか。 レガシー・ファンデーション・ジャパンの設立メンバーを祝して、定番の人気料理やゲーム、アクティビティ、音楽、ダンスをお楽しみいただけます。 椅子、食べ物や飲み物、そして写真をたくさん撮れるように携帯電話のスペースを持参してください。

¥1500.00 – ¥3000.00

Legacy Foundation Japan Founder’s Day BBQ

Come celebrate Founder’s Day with us with a family barbeque. We’re celebrating our Legacy Foundation Japan founding members with some classic favorite dishes, games and activities, music and dancing. Bring your chairs, food and drink to share, and space on your phone to take plenty of pictures.

¥1500.00 – ¥3000.00