The History of African American and Japan Relations

There has been a lot of misinformation about the relationship between African Americans and Japanese. We will have renowned scholar and author Dr. Reginald Kearney lead a discussion about the historical relationship from his life’s research, career, and published books, “The Twentieth Century Japanese: African American Views of the Japanese” and “Reconcilable Differences: Issues in African American-Japanese Relations”.


Founder’s Day Celebration

September 5th is Legacy Foundation Japan’s Founder’s Day, where we show appreciation to our founding members, volunteers, and those who’ve made LFJ possible. Despite the numerous challenges of 2020, a group of like-minded, hard-working people came together to build a community where members of the diaspora could thrive in Japan. Come revel and reflect with us as we celebrate the members who started it all.


Permanent Residence with Ryohei

Are you thinking about making Japan your forever home but not quite sure about the process? The Legacy Foundation Japan is hosting an information seminar for those interested in obtaining permanent residence status.


Healing from workplace hurt

Too many negative work experiences left unchecked can do some severe damage over time. That’s why the Legacy Foundation Japan is hosting a virtual meeting with Dr Ashley Dash, Certified Job and Career and Development Coach and Job and Career and Transition Coach.


Furusato Nozei Part 2

Event Description In December, Natsumi walked us through the beginning of Furusato Nozei. Now that you have chosen your 'gifts', what's next?  The main takeaway from part one is to keep the recipes the cities send to you. Now that you have it in hand, what to do next? Natsumi will now walk us through […]


Filing your Us Tax with Ms. Pitts

2021 might be over, but you still have the receipts. If you’re living abroad and need to file in the United States this tax season, join our live event with tax expert Ms. Pitts. She’ll give some useful tips and advice on how to file taxes in the States and answer a few of your questions.


Prepared For A Natural Disaster?

Do you know what to do in the case of a Natural Disaster? How should you pack? The Legacy Foundation Japan is working with the Peace Boat Disaster Relief to present a workshop to prepare you!


LFJ Food Bank

Event Description The Legacy Foundation Japan, in collaboration with Second Harvest and YOUMEWE, will open our food COOP in March 2022. The Coop will support children aged out of orphanages, single parents, and anyone suffering from food insecurities. We ask that all recipients present a valid ID, and that's it. We look forward to supporting […]

Curly Hair Care in Japan

Are you living in Japan? Has it been hard to care for your naturally curly hair? What products should you use? Where are the salons?

Join us as our curly hair experts Saya from Precious Strands, and Natsumi Yajima from SummeryJapan answer your questions!



Easter Egghunt

Happy Easter! After that long, cold winter, come kick it with us at our amazing, annual Easter Egg Hunt. This is a free, family event for all ages!  

Bring your kids to Shiba Koen for an afternoon of Easter fun!


Career Advice with Mr Ronald Reeves

Calling all Legacy Members! Looking to boost your career and take things to the next level? AIG’s Chief Diversity Officer, Mr Ronald Reeves, will be giving some valuable career advice to LFJ members on how to stand out in your organization. Come join us for breakfast on April 19th to learn about how to build your career from an esteemed expert in the field.
